1. Getting started
If you will be disclosing contract information on this website, you will need to obtain a username and password
to enable you to log in to the system. If you require a logon to the system, please contact the WITS administrator on 0800 426 648 or wits@nzx.com.
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2. Submitting contract information
There are two ways that you can submit contract information to the system. Both options are accessed from the Contract Upload page on the left hand menu.
1) File upload. The submission of hedge contract details via file upload requires at least two csv (comma separated values) files to be uploaded: a Hedge (master) file, and one or more Price Schedule (detail) files. The file formats are described in the file upload user guide. You can download the Hedge (master) file template and the Price Schedule (detail) file template. For a given contract, the master file should be uploaded before any detail files. To upload a file, select the appropriate File Type, then choose your file and click the Upload button.
Price schedule details may be split across multiple files if desired, i.e. a subsequent price schedule file for a given contract will be considered an additional file rather than a replacement file.
2) On-line form. Hitting the Create Contract button on the Contract Upload page will take you to an on-line form for entering details of a single contract. Once the contract header details have been entered and saved, click on the "View / Edit Prices" button in the bottom left to enter the price schedule details.
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3. Editing contract information that you have already submitted
If you realise that some contract information you have submitted is incorrect, you can use the system to edit the contract details.
1) File upload. If the Hedge (master) information needs correcting, you can create a csv (comma separated values) file of the revised contract information using the Hedge (master) file template. The first field ("id") should be populated with the disclosure system's numeric Id for the contract. Select the Hedge File Type on the Contract Upload page, then choose your file and click the Upload button.
NB: Price schedule details may be split across multiple files, so a subsequent price schedule file for a given contract will be considered an additional file rather than a replacement file. If necessary, a file can be deleted from the system by clicking the delete icon for the file in the Contract Upload page.
2) On-line form. Search for the contract you wish to edit using the search facility on the Contract Search page. Clicking the edit icon will take you to an on-line form for editing details of the contract.
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4. Verifying contract information
If you are the counter party to a contract whose details have been disclosed on this system, you may be required to verify the information. Refer to the FAQs page for more information regarding your obligations.
Accessing the verification page can be done in two ways:
1) Clicking the link in the verification email you receive. This will take you to the verification page, and display only the contracts listed in
the email.
2) Clicking on the Contract Verification option on the left hand menu (this option will only display if you are logged in to the system). Accessing the verification page in this way will display all contracts that you have not yet verified (i.e. could show contracts from multiple emails).
Once on the verification page you can choose to verify or dispute individual contracts by clicking on the edit icon beside each contract. There is also a "Verify all" button which will verify all the contracts listed on the page.
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